When His Needs Arise …is born!

dirty story erotic book cover erotica Tina Tirrell

My first book is officially unleashed upon the world!  Are you ready?  Are you sure??

I think my first book cover is so cool… it’s such a perfect image for representing the super hot stepmom in the story.  That would be the stepmom who has no idea how she accidentally turns on her poor stepson all day long.  😉  I love that kind of innocence in a dirty little story!  My goal is to make every story feel so real to you that you’re just bowled over with how hot real life could be.  😉

Check out the page at Smashwords for Whenever His Needs Arise to peek “under the hood” and view a free sample!

Here’s the description to get your temperature rising!!

…Whenever His Needs Arise offers you a tasty peek into a mother’s tell-all diary: the day the most frightening and urgent thing she can imagine occurs to her new stepson, all from her oh-so-innocent and concerned-mother perspective. Their relationship changes forever with one call from Tommy’s doctor. She, as his replacement mother, is the only one who can give her stepson exactly what he needs. And he needs it immediately. She has rarely even volunteered to do these things with her own husband, Tommy’s father. But duty calls, and a mother’s love conquers all!

I can’t wait to hear your feedback!  I will always forever treasure my very first readers.  😉

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